Action tab

On the Action tab you can define one or more actions for Read‑a‑Card to take when a card is read.

Action page

The default action is to copy the card ID to the keyboard buffer, see Default - Keyboard wedge functionality. This feature can be disabled by deselecting Deselect icon Place ID in keyboard buffer.

To maintain consistency of alphanumeric IDs, Caps‑Lock will not normally affect this data. There is an option to Select icon Allow Caps‑Lock key to toggle case of inserted keyboard data if this is needed in your NFC tag application.

Select icon Place ID in Clipboard places the ID of the card detected into the Windows clipboard.

Select icon Play sound plays a sound when a card is detected. The default Windows beep can be changed to another .wav sound file, by using the    Browse    button to find a file or typing its location.

Select icon Run command allows you to define a command to run (such as open a document) when a card is detected. This command will be invoked by the Windows shell. The reader ID, card type and card ID can be used in your command. (The Help icon button provides a reminder of Run command insert codes). For more see the Run command example in this online help.

Select icon Launch URL (in web browser) allows you to set a URL to launch when a card is detected. The URL will be launched by the Windows shell, using the default web browser. Data read from the card (reader ID, card type, card ID, and iClass/Prox format where applicable) can be used in the URL. (The Help icon button provides a reminder of URL launch insert codes). There is a Launch URL when a card is presented example in this online help.

Select icon Request URL via HTTP (without launching browser) allows a URL to be sent as a silent HTTP request to a web server. The result of this request, returned by the server, is ignored. This option allows card presentations to be silently logged by a web server.

Note: Options on the Settings tab can affect these actions. By default no action will be taken for duplicate card detections by the same reader within 10 seconds.